After I work I do my usual thing. Walk under the Brooklyn Bridge to the High St. A/C train station and ride the "iron horse" (frequently used NYC term for train) heading into Brooklyn. It's usually during rush hour so I know that the possibility of getting a seat is slim. I'm standing in the middle of the train grabbing on to dear life when I see a gentleman wearing a Brooklyn sweatshirt and Brooklyn hat carrying two big a** bags full of Canvas. My initial thought come I've never seen this man around? He probably lives in Bedstuy and its obvious he's an artist. Me, being a creature of curiousity begin to look into the bags of canvas noticing a very distinct character painted on the canvas that I saw on a blog site the day before. So me being a friendly California native, ask "excuse me, do you have a blog?" The gentleman looks at me like a mad woman! Come to find out not only do we have mutual friends but his art work was displayed at my local coffee shop, Tiny Cup on Nostrand and Clifton ave in Bedstuy (where he sold all his pieces). So I've always been familiar with his work but now I get to meet the man himself, Rob aka Ader aka Fokused Empire State. He's quite a catch. A US Marine, a top chef ;), a world traveler and above all an artist. He hand makes everything even down to the canvas! That is SO LIVE!!! Plus he's Panamanian...that's a BIG PLUS in my book! So THANK YOU!! MTA for the serendipitous introduction. So n

So if you are lucky you might even spot his unique signature marks and dope plywood pieces all over Brooklyn. Keep your eyes peeled. Brooklyn Stand up!
For more information about Fokused Empire State and getting custom pieces check out his blog:
You can purchase his artwork, Tees, Hoodies, and Hand sewn pillows at:
So Brooklyn Stay Fokused!!!!
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